Fullstack JS Developer skilled in React.js, Next.js, Node.js and Express.js, with expertise in creating and managing commercial websites, optimizing SEO, and ensuring user experience. Strong communication skills in English, effective in client and team collaboration. Experienced in SCRUM methodology and eager to learn React Native. Enthusiastic boxer, demonstrating discipline and strategic thinking
Wavona Team
Team Leader, November 2023 - July 2024
- During this work, a team of three Developers, one Project Manager, and two Designers was assembled. Lately, the team has expanded to include an additional Developer and a QA. During this period, we successfully completed one project where I served as a developer, truly enhancing my technical skills and providing me with experience working in a team using the SCRUM methodology. Currently finished second project, where I am acting as the leader of the team, allowing me to gain skills in team organization and leadership
Developer, November 2023 - May 2024
- Worked on both commercial and non-commercial projects, often as an outsourced developer. I have successfully completed over 10 orders. Working with clients has improved my communication skills and my ability to defend and support my viewpoints
Website administering
Administrator, 2021 - Present
- Have huge experience in administering commercial websites. For three years, I successfully managed the creation and updating of products, including photo preparation using Adobe Photoshop. During this time, I developed skills in clearly formulating technical assignments and effectively defending my position with clients, which led to a substantial increase in sales from scratch
- Awarded 3rd place in the Mathematical Puzzles Competition by the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- Participant in the BestRoboFest Festival, Freestyle Category
- Frontend: Typescript, React, Next.js, Redux toolkit, Zustand, Axios, Tanstack Query
- Styles: Headless UI, Sass (SCSS), Tailwind, Bootstrap
- Backend: Express.js, Prisma, Sequilize, TRPC, Postgres, Redis
- Libs: React Hook Form, React Player, React Router Dom, Next Auth, Framer Motion, JWT, Passport.js, i18n, Node-mailer
- Cloud Services: Supabase, Render.com, CloudFlare
- DevOps: Unix systems, Git, Github actions, Docker, Eslint, Prettier, Vite, Gulp
- Task managers: Notion, YouTrack, Trello, Jira
- Knowledge of SDLC, Waterfall, Agile concepts (Scrum, Kanban)
- Other: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Audition, Figma, Blender
Computer Science Bachelor’s degree at AGH University Krakow
2024 – 2027
Additional education / Courses
Mate Academy (Fullstack JS Development)
2022 – 2024
IT STEP School (Junior Computer Academy)
2020 – 2023
Young Profi School (UX/UI design)
- English (Upper-Intermediate, IELTS 6.5, 2024)